I don't claim to be a genius. I don't know it all. I know some things I guess, but not everything. You're all probably shocked to hear that......but its true. I guess this is about things that are mainly my opinion......I have very strong opinions about this.
Teachers, true teachers, work really freaking hard. They work late nights, long hours and get paid diddly. The thing that really irks me are the people and things that make teachers lives harder. And usually its not the kids! ITS THE ADULTS! And usually its not the other teacher adults in the building (it sometimes is....but not the majority of the time). The people who make the rules, the tests, the standards for excellence, the criteria and basically suck all the fun out of life are the ones who I have a problem with.
I completely understand why the turnover rate for teachers, especially teachers in rough areas, is so high. Many teachers don't make it 5 years in the same school, and some even leave the profession all together. I bet if there was a study done on these teachers that have left the profession and we asked them why they left, the majority would NOT say the students. Politics. The politics of the education system sucks for lack of a better word.
Testing can suck it
The shame we put on teachers if their students don't grow a certain amount can SUCK IT
I am really over it.
I am also over education professionals who are anything but that. If you don't have a heart to teach, leave. If you won't truly do ANYTHING to ensure that your students are safe, learning to their full potential and feeling successful and accomplished to their ability level, leave. Am I perfect? No. Do I yell? Absolutely. Am I quick to judge sometimes? 100%. But I try to change. I know I make mistakes and I don't know how I will get better if someone doesn't tell me! I try to make myself better with the help of others. These kids need me to be the role model that they don't have. If their parent doesn't care for them at home and then they come to school and their teacher doesn't give a crap either, how are these lovely young little babies suppose to grow up to be anything less than a bitter mean adult.
Teaching isn't easy so I am confused why some people decide to do it. It is not some glamorous job where we can go home and leave our work at the door.
Teaching also isn't a one person job. If you are a teacher you aren't doing this job alone. It takes a team to help students.
We need administrators who care and have a firm belief on what they want their school to be and will stop at NOTHING to get it.
We need support staff who will stick their neck out when a teacher makes a mistake or turns in something late, because we all know thats happened to us.
We need counselors to help our students who we cannot reach because of all the hurt and pain they have in their young hearts.
We need secretaries and office staff to keep the school organized! Because God knows the building wouldn't run without that.
We need tutors and aids that will be the second set of hands for a teacher when they are stretched too thin.
It is not just the job of the teacher to teach the students. All these people impact the kids we see daily and if you aren't a person who has a heart for this you need to go. AND IT IS OKAY IF YOU AREN'T! Teaching isn't for everyone, and you aren't a bad person if it isn't the thing for you.
You ask me to put an IV in someone and I will barf on you for sure. Not because I don't want that person to be hydrated and such but because that is not my thing. Am I awful for it? Nope. So if you truly shouldn't be a teacher. Don't be a teacher. We don't just work 9 months and then have 3 off. It doesn't go down like that yall. So like lets figure that out.
I'm just at my breaking point I guess. This whole education system thing is draining. It takes a toll.
Honestly don't really know what I just wrote about.....if there are even valid points in there....kinda just rambled....a lot.