This is the true story of an apple that didn't fall far from the tree.
One day a big tree, the kind you see in the dark and scary woods, grew so tall and big that it decided to start giving off fruit. The tree didn't know what it really meant to give off fruit. The tree thought that it could make the fruit and drop it off wherever it pleased and that would be the end of the connection to the tree. Produce and drop. Produce and drop. The tree was a selfish tree and it thought that it was so strong and powerful that any fruit it produced had to be the best fruit in the world. Strong and powerful, just like the tree thought it was. The first time the tree produced a fruit it started off small and fragile, the cutest little apple you ever did see. It was small and needed love. The tree didn't want to love it, the tree was annoyed that it was so small and fragile so it ignored the apple. It spoke unkindly to it and didn't nurture it the way the apple needed. The tree was a lazy tree and an ignorant tree so it did not care about what was best for the apple. The apple eventually fell, before it needed to, but it didn't fall far from the tree. It stayed close and listened to the tree and watched the tree. The apple wanted to be like the tree because it thought that maybe the tree would like it better if the apple was more like the tree. The apple eventually became so much like the tree that it started to put down roots in the ground and grow. It was becoming a big and selfish tree just like the tree that had produced it. Once the apple had grown into a tree it looked to the tree next to it to see if it finally cared about it, but sadly the tree had moved on to producing more little angry fruits that would grow into selfish and ignorant trees. The end.
I know that wasn't the best written story in the world....but you get the point. More and more I see that the problems we are having in schools does not start with the kids and it does not end with the kids. It starts with the parents. They are teaching theses children ALL THE WRONG THINGS! And shockingly enough NONE OF THE RIGHT! Like oh I don't know, the alphabet? And maybe it would be nice to be read to sometimes at home. But instead they are teaching their children how to curse and "whoop that kids ass" because thats how things get handled.
Am I saying that every parent is like this? No. Am I saying that it is the main problem in our school system. YES I AM! You would not believe how many times I have had a kid mouth off to me, put their hands on me, or call other students foul names and not feel any remorse. I call a parent, or the parent is called to the school and what do we see? The parent snaps on me or an administrator, slaps their kid in the head and calls them a foul name and then drags them off for what I can only imagine is a "whoppin" of some kind.
It makes me sick to hear the way 97% of these parents talk to their kids and around their kids. The children get called ugly names and pushed around like the are property. Children are not property, they are humans and they need to be taught and loved and cared for. If you can't raise a child to the best of your ability then oh I don't know mayyyyyybe don't have 10?
I adore my parents. Are they perfect? No. But they raised me with morals and they raised me to be kind. Am I always kind? Yes! Kidding kidding kidding Im not.....but I do my very best to be. When I am hurting, broken, sad, confused, mad, lost, frustrated, in need of comfort or basically any other emotion I go to them. They give advice and I hold it in the highest regard. My parents give great advice I think. Maybe thats because their my parents.....which leads me to my last point I swear.
What hope do these children have for growing up to be functioning and wonderful parts of the world when the people that are raising them and shaping them into the person they become are such total and complete ninnys (for lack of a better term). I mean really. When I was little I did anything my mom said because SHES MY MOM and I trust her opinion over anything else. When these kids parents are teaching them to fight and attack before thinking and talking......What do we expect them to do? Go against what their parents are teaching them from the time they could walk?
I guess Im feeling a bit hopeless because I see how hard teachers work every single day and I see the progress that is made when they are at school and then we hand them over to their "parents" who undo what we have worked so hard to do in mere minutes when they pick up their child and call them a "f**ker" (ps-I don't think I bleeped that out correctly....but you know what I mean). Sometimes I hate adults. They're idiots.
Sorry for the novel.....