Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Much needed

This break could not have come at a better time. The kids needed it. The TEACHERS NEEDED IT!

Side note: don't even say "I wish I got a break from work like teachers" or "must be nice to have 5 days off for Thanksgiving" if you aren't a teacher. Because YES it is nice! If you wanted to have them too, you could have become a teacher, but you didn't become a teacher so you don't have the right to make us feel bad about the breaks we get. OUR JOB IS HARD! Not saying yours isn't. Just, don't comment on the time off that we get and we won't comment on your job. Kthanks

Anyways! I don't know if it was just me, just kidding I know it wasn't just me, but like my teacher brain is mush. I let my kids do a craft for 2 hours on Tuesday.....2 hours. This break is needed for a few reasons:

-I need to re-energize badly
-I need to organize my life badly
-I need to regroup badly
-I need to nap........badly

My rope is nearing its end.....its basically just weird little frayed pieces right now.

Hello Thanksgiving break, my old friend.

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