Thursday, January 1, 2015

Teacher Resolutions

Hi! I feel like I haven't written since last year (ha ha ha you can thank my dad for my awful sense of humor....)

But seriously....I haven't written for a while because I haven't had a reason! WE HAVE BEEN ON BREAK! Its been great. Going back to work is going to be hard, because I'll actually have to wake up. Yikes.

However, I'm actually ready. I miss my schedule. I miss my kids. I miss my coworkers. Its time to go back.

There are some things that I need to do as a teacher. Things that will make my life better and my students lives better.

-Get great sleep. To anyone who knows me like at all, you know how much I love to sleep, and naps. But great sleep will improve my mood and hopefully keep me from being a crab apple to my kids.
 -Drink more water, this will improve my everything. I think.
-Prepare my week before its actually happening.  Im a horrible procrastinator....this isn't fair to my kids. Im 26 now.....get it together Ele.
-Organize my classroom......I was suppose to do this over break....Instead I hung out with Netflix and a good book.....procrastinator Ele, tisk tisk

Ill keep you updated on how this all goes down. I'm sure you're all really excited :)

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