Thursday, February 19, 2015

Let's not settle

I think there are like 2 different parts to this blog. Theyre semi connected but like not really but whatever.


Part 1-There are days where things are crazy. Things aren't going right, students are freaking nuts, the day flies by and I don't know if I actually taught anything and somehow.....somehow I don't lose my mind. Somehow I am actually happy and not stressed. Does this happen all the time? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Those days that it does happen are good days! The hallways are like a jungle and I keep on teaching. My student doesn't like that its time for math and flips a desk, and I walk over and hold his hand and walk around with him. I feel like I have my teacher emotions under control even though things around me are crumbling.

These days are far and few between. I had one a couple weeks ago. It was nice. Did it last? Nope.

Teaching is really emotional guys! Even if you're not an emotional person. Like me. I am usually stone cold. Jayyyyyy Kayyyyyyyy I am like a rubber band ball of emotions. I live in a glass case of emotions. Its outrageous.

Part 2-But really like when did the crazy become the standard. When did it become okay for students to run around screaming profanities at adults and other students? When did we settle for "eh" behavior? When I was in school there weren't incentives to act properly. I know that sounds like super old ass of me.....but I'm 26, so chill. Now don't get me wrong, I am all for rewarding and praising students who are consistently amazing. But sometimes I think that we reward the bad to keep them from becoming worse and we brush the good students to the side. Then guess what? The good students catch on, because they're smart, and the good students figure out that if they start acting out they'll get things. There has to be another way. I intend to find out. I actually might have? Here is what I think it is"

The Holy Grail: relationships. its true. Some people rock at it! Some people blow. And guesssssss what. You can freaking tell. It is SO important to know your kids, make them feel like you care. Make your kids want to make you proud. Set expectations, take time, listen, hug, smile. Be someone that you would want to be around.

Does it always work? No. But its worth a try. And hey, its free to be a KIND PERSON! You won't have to buy candy and little prizes to bribe them. WIN FREAKING WIN. Try it. Let me know how it works.

Ps-I realize that there were actually like 2.5 parts to this......sorry Im not sorry 

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