Wednesday, August 12, 2015

This is how we do it

So. I started to write a few months ago about how it was finally summer and all the amazing plans I had and blah blah blah. I was feeling pretty UN-motivated to write, shocking, so I said to myself "Self, you have ALL SUMMER! You can write later" fast forward to right now. Its the last night of summer.....and I NEVER WROTE! This brings me to my first point. Summer isn't long enough.....that's basically the whole point....moving forward.

Thats not even a week.....I can't handle this. This will be my 4th year teaching so basically im a pro right? hahahahahahahahhhahahahahahhahahha no. Honestly I don't think I will be prepared to begin a new year ever.

Let me just list out some feelings I'm having, fellow teachers tell me if you are having some of the same feelings....if you aren't I might need some therapy....I might need that anyway....whatever.

The List of Teacher Emotions:
-Anxious-what if the kids hate me, what if theyre I even remember how to teach?!?!?! OH MY GOSH WHAT WILL MY HANDWRITING LOOK LIKE-in my case the answer is "it always looks terrible so youre good" which is true
-Exhaustion-I have spent the last 2 months catching up on the sleep I didn't get during the year, now I am waking up and preparing a classroom and just being in the school makes me need a nap by 1 and school doesn't end until 3:30 sooooooooo can we re-instate nap time? Through high school....awesome.
-Excitement-I love having a schedule, I love folders, I love pens, I really do love my kids. I love setting up a classroom and having things look cute. This will be good.
-Complete brain fog-This is something that usually happens while setting up your room. I know this happens to me sometimes while teaching too but shhhhhhh don't tell (which i completely understand is silly to say because Im writing it on a blog....) sometimes things are so overwhelming that you just stand and stare at things. And there literally isn't a single thought going through your head. This can go on for a few seconds or in serious times it lasts for like 5 minutes....
-Giddiness(is that seriously a word?!?!)-This is the feeling you get when you think about seeing some of your best friends on a daily basis and having funny things happen at work and laughing and laughing and laughing forever
-Terror-This is the feeling you get after the giddiness wears off because you remember the terrifying moments that happen sometimes. When youre dying with the flu but you have to come to school because there aren't enough subs to cover classes and you would rather suffer than screw over a coworker. Or when a mouse enrolls in your class without permission. Or when you get 8 new kids in a week.....
-Peace-This is my final feeling tonight. I am ready to do this. No matter what my classroom looks like, no matter if things are in their spots. No matter if my posters fall off the wall. I know that none of it matters  because I am doing what I am suppose to be doing. These kids change my life for the better each year and I cannot wait to see how I change this year. I know most teachers feel this way. Their students are their kids, they take up space in your heart and they stay there for a very long time. Its the best feeling.

This is how we do it. Bring it on.

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