Its no secret that school and the education system has changed a tad since even I was little. Things are way more serious.....and intense.....and not working? Its weird. Like we take away the happiness and the fun and the creativity and no one is flourishing or succeeding. Its so incredibly strange! I just don't get it......(if you aren't sensing any type of sarcasm in my writing right now I don't think we should be friends anymore)
So here goes my list of "since when"s
Since when is it bad to have recess? I read an article where a school in Texas is allowing their students 4 different times for recess each day. They go out twice in the morning for 15 minutes and twice in the afternoon for 15 minutes. Now really thats only an hour, thats nothing. AND GUESS WHAT! Scores are improving, attitudes are better, kids are thinking more deeply and on their own, they are more quick to try and solve problems on their own than to run to their teacher to fix things. Am I saying that recess fixes all? No. It doesn't at all, but would it hurt to try? I don't think so.
Since when do tests tell us everything we need. This might be the stress of testing season barreling down on me like a ton of bricks (honestly its not too bad for me right now, but I know some other teachers who are feeling the stress) but a test can only tell us so much. Actually spending time with a kid, working with them, reading with them, doing math with them. Thats when we find out our stuff. All tests aren't bad.....they can help us track trends and data buuuuuuuut the importance that we put on tests....unncessary. Calm down test people.
SINCE WHEN is a hug bad. Kids crave hugs, high fives, nose pinches (side note I accidentally typed pUnches first and Im really glad I caught it). Some don't, and that is fine, but others do! They love hugs and to be loved on. It makes them feel cared for and who doesn't have a better attitude towards pretty much everything when they feel cared for!
Since when are the arts unimportant.....I would love to live in a world with no creative people. Oh just kidding that would be awful! It is so important to foster creativity and promote being different and a little weird. The best people I know are total weirdos!
So in conclusion....lets go back to the way school use to be. The end.
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