So here it is. A blog.....I've attempted 2 other blogs. They were awful. I mean really terrible. I guess I've made 3 if you count the Xanga that I had in middle school. That one is so bad that its actually hilarious. I spelled things with numbers and Zs where there should have been an S. I was the epitome of cool. However, I'm hoping that this will be different. I have a reason to write. I have my kids.
Just for clarification, when I say "my kids" I don't actually mean my children, I mean my students. I will probably always call them my kids.
Another thing. This blog is going to be FULL of grammatical errors. Commas in the wrong place....periods All. Over. The. Place. Even when there shouldn't be one. Like there. And there.....I write like I talk. I think that it gives the words more of a personality. So if you get offended that a teacher doesn't know how to write a proper sentence....I apologize....but I'm not going to change it. That will take too much time.
I am doing this for a few reasons:
1. I want to remember my early teaching years. I want to remember the fun stories, the sad stories, the frustrations and the accomplishments.
2. Writing this in a journal is not an option.....I have the handwriting of a 1st grade boy....I wouldn't be able to read it.
3. I love to share my stories with people. And for some reason people love hearing about them :)
So here we go!!
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