Saturday, October 18, 2014

This week....

Man this week really sucked. I understand that not every day is going to go the way that I want, thats life, but like I could go without a whole week of that....There was a dead mouse in my room....probably for days and I didn't know it. There were like 9 in the room next to me (that poor woman). My kids were in rare form. Lots of tears. Lots of anger. Lots of talking......loooooooooots of talking.....My fuse was short. It was bad. The kicker? It was a 4 day week. Sometimes I think that 4 day weeks actually seem longer than 5 day weeks! Some of my kids don't sleep well at home, or eat well and that makes a 3 day weekend especially hard on their little bodies and their minds. So when they come back to school they are soooooo not ready to learn. I understand, but that still doesn't change that teachers have to get things done. We have to teach you! We have to test you. I wish I could tell my kids all the things I have to do and they would understand and be like "awwww Miss Philips thats hard! Ill be awesome today so you can get everything you want to do, done" and I would be like "YES! Thank you for understanding! Yay for being awesome! Here's some candy and donuts." But I can't do since I'm the adult in this situation, and since I can control my emotions and the situations around me better than they can I guess I will suck it up and do my best.

Things Miss Philips needs to work on:
-organization.....thats like a big one.....if you could just see my classroom...I'm actually not surprised there was a dead mouse in died of shock. Okay Im being dramatic, a little...
-Patience, also a big one
-Being kind to everyone. I can get a little attitude-y....
-Giving myself a break once and a while. Sometimes I stress myself out for no reason and that just silly!!!
-Focusing on the positive at least once a day-a friend reminded me to do that this week and it actually fixed my stinky mood. If I did that every day at least once I would like to think that my days would be much better :)

There is still one day left in this weekend :) I am using it for sleep, work, organizing my life a little (maybe..) and smiling. Happy Saturday!

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